Software solutions that stitch healthcare and community services together to improve whole person care outcomes and well-being for individuals and populations for a better tomorrow
NinePatch® health related social needs software offers insights into social determinants of health circumstances, also known as drivers of health. NinePatch technology solutions ease workflows for health and social care organization who share data to deliver patient and community care. Health care, behavioral health, mental health, and social care organizations use the software to identify social needs that translate to actionable steps to improve clinical health outcomes, reduce costs, decrease provider burnout, and improve job satisfaction.
The closed loop referral software ensures no wrong door access. Providers can confirm patient or client engagement and follow-through for recommended services. The combination of NinePatch Whole Person Care and RIE® facilitates interoperability with the exchange of clinical and social referrals across disparate software programs.
To create a bridge between software acquisition, use, and adoption, NinePatch Community Convener Services engage diverse stakeholders to establish systems and processes for cross sector collaboration. The result is a win-win for stakeholders and communities that deliver better care, better health, lower costs, and improve quality of life for vulnerable and at-risk populations.
Request a demo today to learn more about NinePatch software solutions.
What Are Health Related Social Needs?
Are you a community-based, clinical, payer, public health, state, or government organization sharing data to increase access to health and social care? If so, you know that health related social needs impact individuals differently.
While payers and providers routinely speak in medical terms— engaging with care systems can be intimidating for consumers and patients. NinePatch software supports interoperability between health care, behavioral health, mental health, and social care organizations to support vulnerable and high-need populations.
NinePatch health related social needs software closed loop feature eliminates the guesswork of who last saw an individual or the services provided. SDOH assessments in the program simplify identification of social care needs that translate to health risks. The program offers reporting for SDOH data, like z codes, that can be translated to ICD-10 and CPT codes to substantiate outcomes for reimbursements.
Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health (SDOH) significantly impact the well-being of persons with economic and social needs, chronically ill, and aging populations. Yet, addressing these factors can be challenging without coordinated support between health and community providers.
Studies show that only 20% of health results from access to healthcare services. The remaining 80% is attributable to non-medical factors, such as health behaviors, socio-economic conditions, and the physical environment. By using health related social needs software, organizations can address needs that have the greatest impact.
Time is Precious
NinePatch health related social needs software solutions help you easily and quickly coordinate clinical care that is affected by social determinants of health. Our second-generation software solutions support interoperability so organizations can aggregate data for evidence-based decision-making.
NinePatch® Whole Person Care
Streamline care coordination with no wrong door support, robust identity consent, SDOH screening tools, reporting, and time-saving referral processes.
NinePatch® Community Convener Services
Collaborate with public, private, and community providers to foster high-value care coordination and referrals. Simplify the steps for beneficiaries, members, patients, clients, and consumers to receive support services.
Initiate and close the loop on in and out-of-network clinical or social care referrals regardless of an organization’s technical capabilities.
Ensuring interoperability, ease of close-loop referrals, consent management, and other one-of-a-kind features places the needs of consumers and patients first so that health and social care providers can help more people.
The NinePatch Difference
Software solutions that transfer data between qualified health information networks (QHIN), health information exchanges (HIE), electronic health records (EHR), and social care networks are components that support care coordination and decrease costs. We partner with you to improve well-being and quality of life by stitching together clinical and community partnerships.
Because One-of-a-Kind Doesn’t Fit All
We realize that the needs of every community, patient, and client are different. Our health related social needs software solutions work inside yours. There’s no need to change systems or programs already in place.
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A Lot Happens Between Sun-Up and Sun-Down
Do you wonder if clients and patients follow up when they leave your office? Managing chronic health conditions and the effects of social needs can no longer be viewed as isolated incidents but as integral components of delivering whole person care.
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Compassion is our Common Thread
The NinePatch team is inspired and passionate about making a difference in health and social care. Meet us and learn about the NinePatch story and our approach to collaboration.
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Wisdom is Knowledge Gained Through Curiosity
Health and social care mean different things to different people. Considering a variety of perspectives, thinking differently, and embracing uniqueness creates environments where everyone grows.
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Everyone Has a Story About Why They Do What They Do
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Meet with us, schedule a software demo, make an RFI or RFP request, or let us know if you are curious about something else. You can also visit our YouTube Channel.